Included in Your Set:
1 x Cuban Cigar
Length: 5”
Ring Gauge: 50
Vitola: Robusto
1 x New World Cigar
Length: 5”
Ring Gauge: 50
Vitola: Robusto
Cost: £75 for the set of 2 unlabelled cigars
Surrey Cigars invites you to delve into the intriguing world of cigar tasting with our exclusive Blind Tasting Set. This special offering includes one unlabelled Cuban cigar and one New World cigar, allowing you to explore their distinct characteristics and flavours without preconceptions.
Whether you're a seasoned cigar lover or a curious newcomer, this set provides the perfect opportunity to test your palate and expand your appreciation for fine cigars.
Experience the Unknown
Engage in a personal blind tasting from the comfort of your home. Compare the traditional richness of a Cuban cigar with the bold innovations of a New World counterpart. Each cigar in this set is chosen to represent its origin, offering a balanced and contrasting pairing that enhances your tasting journey.
Perfect Pairing Opportunity:
These cigars are matched in vitola, both being Robustos, to ensure a fair comparison, focusing purely on the flavour profiles and craftsmanship. Light up each cigar and decide for yourself which region's style you prefer, making notes in your own tasting notepad (not included in this set).
Collectable and Educational:
This set is not just for enjoyment—it’s a tool for education. Learn to discern the subtle and bold differences between regions without the influence of branding. It’s a must-have for any cigar lover looking to hone their tasting skills.
Order Your Set Today:
Available now for pre-order, secure your Blind Tasting Set today and be prepared for an unparalleled smoking experience. Visit our website to place your order and take the first step towards becoming a more discerning cigar connoisseur.
Join Us for a Live Tasting:
Purchase of this set also grants you access to our exclusive online live tasting session, where you can compare notes with other enthusiasts and discuss your findings with our expert panel. Don’t miss this unique opportunity to deepen your understanding and love of cigars.
Embark on a journey of taste and tradition with Surrey Cigars’ Blind Tasting Set. Discover, compare, and enjoy the finest cigars from around the world.