La Flor de Cano
Experience the refined elegance of La Flor de Cano cigars, where tradition meets sophistication in every puff. Handcrafted in the renowned Vuelta Abajo region of Cuba, La Flor de Cano cigars offer a taste of authentic Cuban craftsmanship. Each cigar is meticulously blended using premium Cuban tobacco, resulting in a smoke that is smooth, balanced, and rich in flavour.
Whether you prefer the creamy and mellow Elegidos or the complex and full-bodied Grandiosos, La Flor de Cano cigars promise a luxurious smoking experience. Explore the heritage of Cuban cigar-making with La Flor de Cano at Surrey Cigars, where every smoke embodies the essence of Cuban elegance.
La Flor de Cano Elegidos
From £25