Length: 8.25"
Ring Gauge: 57
Flavour: Medium
Vitola: Salomones
Smoking Time: 90 Mins
Rating by Surrey Cigars - 95/100
A Royal Experience Like No Other:
Savour the moments spent indulging in the Davidoff Royal Release Salomones cigar, which exudes luxury and refinement. From the very first instant, you'll realize that this cigar is the product of a privileged upbringing, where every ingredient has been meticulously selected and treated with utmost care.
Crafted with Perfection:
The Davidoff Royal Release Salomones cigar is a true masterpiece, crafted with only the finest tobaccos and an unwavering commitment to perfection. Their Head Master Blender oversees the daily production, ensuring that each cigar meets the stringent colour, texture, and aroma standards set forth for the Royal Release line. The special Aromatica Dominicana wrapper used exclusively for the Royal Release cigars adds a touch of exclusivity and richness to the smoking experience.
A Royal Treatment:
Everything about a Davidoff Royal Release Salomones cigar is hand-picked, including the skilled hands that roll each cigar. Crafted by our team of eight highly experienced rollers, each with at least 15 years of expertise, these cigars represent the pinnacle of craftsmanship. With over 7 million cigars rolled by this team, the dedication and precision put into each Royal Release cigar is unmatched.
An embodiment of the Extraordinary:
The Royal Release Salomones cigar embodies Davidoff's vision of the extraordinary. Henke Kelner, our Head Master Blender, describes it as the culmination of dedication, knowledge, and experience. The complexity and balance of this medium-bodied cigar elevate it to a level beyond the ordinary, delivering an uncommon and royal experience that will captivate the most discerning smokers.
Discover the Royal Release Collection:
Explore the exclusive Royal Release collection at Surrey Cigars and immerse yourself in the luxury and refinement of Davidoff's finest cigars. From the privileged upbringing of each ingredient to the meticulous craftsmanship, these cigars are a testament to the artistry and dedication of Davidoff.
Visit Surrey Cigars to Experience the Davidoff Royal Release Salomones Cigar:
Indulge in the royal essence of the Davidoff Royal Release Salomones cigar, a medium-bodied masterpiece that promises an exceptional smoking experience. Immerse yourself in this distinguished cigar's complexity, balance, and unmatched craftsmanship. Shop now at Surrey Cigars and elevate your smoking pleasure.