Length: 6.8"
Ring Gauge: 47
Flavour: Medium-Strong
Vitola: Churchill
Smoking Time: 60 min
Rating by Surrey Cigars - 90/100
A Noble Cigar for Discerning Aficionados:
Inspired by Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill, this cigar exudes the elegance and refinement he was known for. Like the aristocrats of the cigar world, Winston's Aficionados will appreciate the exquisite craftsmanship and sophisticated aromas of the Davidoff Winston Churchill Churchill cigar. Crafted by the prestigious Davidoff brand, this medium-strong cigar is designed in the same format as Sir Winston's favourite, offering a truly privileged smoking experience.
Unparalleled Flavor and Generosity:
The Davidoff Winston Churchill Churchill cigar boasts a rich and generous format allowing a delightful smoking experience lasting approximately 60 minutes. With its 6.8" length and 47-ring gauge, this Churchill vitola provides ample time to savour the medium-strong flavour profile. From the first draw to the last, you'll be captivated by the subtle flavours and nuanced aromas that develop along the way. Indulge in the sophistication and complexity that Sir Winston himself appreciated.
The Legacy of Davidoff:
As your premier source for premium cigars, Surrey Cigars proudly offers the Davidoff Winston Churchill Churchill cigar. Made with meticulous attention to detail and using only the finest tobaccos, Davidoff cigars are renowned for their exceptional quality and craftsmanship. With a heritage rooted in tradition and a commitment to excellence, Davidoff continues to create cigars that embody the spirit of sophistication and luxury.
Experience the Privilege at Surrey Cigars:
Visit Surrey Cigars, your ultimate destination for premium cigars and accessories. Whether you're a seasoned aficionado or new to the world of cigars, our collection, including the Davidoff Winston Churchill Churchill cigar, is sure to impress. Explore our online store or visit our retail establishment and sampling lounge in Guildford, Surrey, and elevate your cigar experience with Surrey Cigars.