Surrey Cigars

Davidoff Yamasa Piramides


Length: 6.1"
Ring Gauge: 52

Flavour: Strong
Vitola: Piramides
Smoking Time: 60 min

Rating by Surrey Cigars - 90/100

Unleash the Earthy and Complex Flavors of Davidoff Yamasa Piramides Cigar:

Indulge in the extraordinary with Davidoff Yamasa Piramides Cigars. Crafted to perfection, this cigar harmonizes the earthiness of the Yamasá region with the enticing spice and sweetness of Nicaraguan Estelí and Condega tobaccos, along with the complexity of Dominican Piloto and Mejorado tobaccos. Brace yourself for an unparalleled taste experience that will captivate your senses.

A Deep and Complex Body:

Davidoff Yamasa Piramides reveals its deep and complex body gradually, offering a journey of beautiful flavors. From the moment you light up, prepare to be enchanted by the interplay of rich and distinctive notes. Experience the delightful fusion of nuts, spices, coffee, cedar wood, and a subtle touch of black pepper. Each puff brings a new dimension to the smoking experience.

Uncover the Yamasa Region's Richness:

The Yamasá region is renowned for its unique earthiness, and Davidoff has masterfully captured this essence in the Yamasa Piramides Cigar. Immerse yourself in the richness of the terroir, where the tobacco leaves acquire their distinctive character. The combination of Yamasá earthiness and carefully selected tobaccos from Nicaragua and the Dominican Republic creates a symphony of flavors that is truly unforgettable.

Savor the Extraordinary:

Embark on a journey of taste and sophistication with Davidoff Yamasa Piramides. Elevate your smoking experience to new heights and immerse yourself in the exceptional blend of flavors. Take the time to savor each nuance and appreciate the craftsmanship that goes into every Davidoff creation. Unleash your senses and discover the world of Yamasa.

Visit Surrey Cigars to Explore More:

Experience the full range of Davidoff cigars and discover the artistry and passion that define this iconic brand. At our store and online, you'll find an extensive selection of premium cigars, including Davidoff Yamasa Piramides Cigars. Explore our collection and find your perfect companion for moments of pure indulgence.

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