Indulge in the allure of the Gurkha Ghost Robusto, one of the most popular releases by the renowned Gurkha Cigar Company. This medium-bodied cigar showcases a dark Brazilian Arapiraca Maduro wrapper, expertly complemented by an aged Criollo 1998 Binder and a meticulously selected blend of Dominican and Nicaraguan fillers. Immerse your senses in its rich flavour profile, with sweet and earthy undertones and lingering notes of cocoa and cinnamon.
The Legendary Legacy of Gurkha Cigars:
Discover the rebirth of Gurkha cigars, a brand steeped in a century-long legacy of extraordinary quality and premium tobacco blends. Renowned for limited-release and rare tobacco products, Gurkha captivates with outstanding and artistically-oriented packaging. The Gurkha Ghost series is meticulously crafted with carefully selected Dominican and Nicaraguan filler tobaccos, encased in a tightly packed wrapper for a smooth draw and an unmistakable flavour experience.
A true medium-bodied cigar:
Handcrafted in the Dominican Republic, Gurkha Ghost Robusto is a true medium-bodied cigar, delivering a multi-layered flavour profile with enticing hints of sweetness and earthiness, complemented by nuances of cocoa and cinnamon. Light undertones of barley and caramel further enhance this one-of-a-kind cigar. The aroma, reminiscent of leather, anise, and pepper, promises a bold and captivating smoke for cigar connoisseurs.
Luxury and Prestige of Gurkha:
Known as the 'Rolls Royce' of cigars, the Gurkha line has earned a reputation for being enjoyed by the world's elite, including members of the Royal Family, military leaders, leading government officials, and celebrities. Embrace the luxurious experience of Gurkha Ghost Robusto, an embodiment of craftsmanship and sophistication.
Discover the Gurkha Ghost Robusto at Surrey Cigars:
Experience the allure of Gurkha Ghost Robusto cigars at Surrey Cigars, your premier destination for Gurkha cigars in Guildford, Surrey. Explore our online store or immerse yourself in the ambience of our retail establishment and sampling lounge. Uncover Gurkha cigars' legendary legacy and captivating flavours, where luxury meets perfection.