Surrey Cigars

Rocky Patel Sixty Toro


Length: 6 1/2"
Ring Gauge: 52
Flavour: Medium 
Vitola: Toro
Smoking Time: 60min

Rating by Surrey Cigars - 96/100

No.2 Cigar of the Year - 2022 Cigar Aficionado

Celebrate with the Rocky Patel Sixty Toro - A Cigar of Distinction

Surrey Cigars is proud to present the Rocky Patel Sixty Toro, a cigar celebrating Rocky Patel's 60th birthday and a testament to his refined passion for premium cigars. This cigar has been recognised as the No.2 Cigar of the Year for 2022 by Cigar Aficionado, marking it as an exceptional offering in the world of premium cigars.

A Blend of Maturity and Excellence

The Rocky Patel Sixty Toro results from Rocky Patel's lifelong dedication to the craft of cigar making. The tobacco used in this commemorative cigar has been aged for at least six years before rolling. After rolling, the cigars are further aged for at least two years, allowing the flavours to marry and develop a rich complexity.

The Ideal Blend for a Milestone

Rocky and his team of expert blenders experimented with 145 different combinations before finally settling on the ideal blend for the Sixty. This blend features a delicious, dark chocolatey, oily Mexican San Andres Maduro wrapper that envelops a binder and filler made of Nicaraguan tobaccos. The result is a smooth, balanced smoking experience with a rich complexity that is perfect for special occasions or to enjoy the finer things in life.

Aged to Perfection

Each Rocky Patel Sixty Toro has aged at least two years after rolling at their factories in Esteli, Nicaragua. This ageing process is crucial in achieving the distinctive flavour profile and smoothness that the Sixty is known for.

Discover the Rocky Patel Sixty Toro at Surrey Cigars

At Surrey Cigars, we are delighted to feature the Rocky Patel Sixty Toro. With its high rating and prestigious recognition, this cigar represents the pinnacle of Rocky Patel's craftsmanship. Explore this celebrated cigar and immerse yourself in premium cigar artistry.


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