Length: 6.5"
Ring Gauge: 52
Flavour: Medium-Strong
Vitola: Diadema
Smoking Time: 60 mins
Rating by Surrey Cigars - 86/100
Introducing Viva La Vida Diadema Cigar by A.J. Fernandez:
Experience the unmatched craftsmanship of A.J. Fernandez, a name deeply rooted in the rich tradition of the Fernandez cigar legacy. Raised in Cuba and now producing premium cigars in Esteli, Nicaragua, A.J. Fernandez ensures superior quality in each creation. Under the watchful eye of A.J. and his father, Ismael, their extended family assists in managing the day-to-day operations, delivering cigars of exceptional quality and flavor.
Experience the Full-Bodied Viva La Vida:
Viva La Vida Diadema Cigar is a Nicaraguan Puro that delivers an extraordinary full-bodied experience. With a Corojo 99 wrapper and Criollo 98 filler, this cigar tantalizes the palate with notes of black pepper and leather. The flavors are underlaid with a delicate sweetness reminiscent of dark chocolate, adding depth and complexity to every puff. With a length of 6.5" and a ring gauge of 52, this cigar offers a remarkable smoking journey.
The Uniqueness of Viva La Vida:
Initially, without a distributor, A.J. Fernandez decided to pick up the Viva La Vida range and produce the cigars in their Nicaraguan factory. This makes Viva La Vida the only third-party brand that A.J. Fernandez distributes. Embrace the uniqueness of this exceptional cigar, crafted with passion and expertise by the renowned A.J. Fernandez.
Why Choose Surrey Cigars?
At our store, we take pride in offering a carefully curated selection of premium cigars. Discover the excellence of Viva La Vida Diadema Cigar by A.J. Fernandez, a full-bodied Nicaraguan Puro that promises an unforgettable smoking experience. With a length of 6.5" and a ring gauge of 52, it provides a satisfying smoking time of approximately 60 minutes. Rated 86/100 by Surrey Cigars, it's a testament to its remarkable quality and distinction.